Helmets save lives, but brains save us from stupid!

How many times have you seen someone whiz in and out of traffic on a motorcycle with NO protective gear on? I am talking no helmet, leathers, boots…hell, not even sunglasses to keep the bugs out of your eyes! I always silently shake my head and say to myself that states that do not require basic safety equipment are only encouraging dangerous behavior from the residents. Connecticut is one of those states. I have seen bikers with helmets strapped to the bike, but nothing on their head. I have seen my fair share of accidents and deaths as a result of irresponsible use and negligence. Sometimes shit just happens as was the case when my friend was struck by a motor vehicle and literally gutted…yet survived. Luckily, she had on safety gear and managed to keep her brain intact. What motivates people to be so wreckless with their own lives? I doubt that they are intentionally on suicide missions, but it is hard to believe that these people are smart enough to know better but willingly ignore it. Sure, a helmet is a couple hundred bucks for a cheap full face one, but isn’t your brain and your life worth more than a couple hundred bucks? I like to think that mine is! Many of my biker friends agree that these people do not deserve a bike license and should be kept off the road until they can get it through their thick (but not thick like a helmet) heads that they need to protect themselves. You are on a bike for fucks sake! It isn’t an enclosed vehicle and you are completely at the mercy of whatever is coming at you. Those that do give a darn about their own well being call these wreckless riders SQUIDS: The term “Squid” is commonly used to describe riders that are irresponsible and pose a danger to others. That sounds about right. We have all seen these guys and gals on the highway scaring the piss out of people and just being ignorant. My other friend defines SQUID as an acronym: stupidly quick, underdressed, and imminently dead.

Anywho – the reason why I bought this up is about this young man. I feel bad for his situation (which looks dismal), but am hoping that other riders look at this experience and think twice about acting like a dumbfuck while their helmet sits on a store shelf next to the leathers and other protective items.


New Britain, Conn (WTNH) – A man is in the hospital fighting for his life after a serious motorcycle crash in New Britain Wednesday night.

Police got the call just before 7:00pm for the accident on Newington Avenue, near Clark Street.

When asked if the motorcyclist was responsive, Gina Herboldt from Newington said, “No. He wasn’t talking. The medics took over pretty quick.”

Herboldt ran to help the driver and perform CPR, but in the end all she could do is talk to him, hold his hand, along with his friend’s, to reassure him.

“I told his friend to keep talking to me, hold his hand, and let him know there are people here with him, and there are people coming to help him. Because to me that is the best thing for someone who is in a traumatized situation,” Herboldt said.

The 35-year-old biker was taken to St. Francis Hospital clinging to life. Meanwhile, Tyler Miller was in the front seat on the passenger side, at the point of the collision.

“It was a hard impact. The guy was going fast,” Miller said.

Miller looked at the damage, and hopes the biker will be okay. He says he saw the motorcycle, and braced for impact.

“I saw him at first and he was dodging the cars, weaving in and out of traffic, and he comes down here, and he hit us,” said Miller.

“They speed on this road all the time. This is like a speedway, The Newington New Britain speedway. We watch cars fly through here all the time. The speed is routine, unfortunately,” Herboldt said.

The reconstruction team is trying to put together all of the pieces, from speed, to road conditions. They say everything is on the table. They will be trying to figure it out in the next 24 hours.

~ by nonetforyou on June 16, 2011.

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